Assalamualaikum antum2!
Nak bagitau that sekarang ana bru start cuti sem. InsyaAllah lebih banyak masa yang Allah akan kurniakan kepada ana untuk terus menyampaikan pesanan.
This is also the first time im going to post via tablet. InsyaAllah it will make it much easier for me to post more frequently :D we'll see about that. Heee
Last time we talked about matlamat hidup manusia to IBADAH AND BECOME KHALIFAH. Most people, when we said the word 'ibadah', it means solat 5 times a day only. NO!
When talk about ibadah, we can do it allllll the time. Haaa. How's that? While talking, we talk nicely because that is what islam taught us, that's ibadah. While shopping, we hold our nafs to buy unnecessary things, ibadah. Wearing hijab perfectly even though the weather is hot, ibadah. Simple, no matter where you are, what you do, always niat 'because of Allah'.
How about khalifah? Am I too young to be khalifah?
Dh baligh blom? If no, i would be very surprise to know that you're reading this. If yes, then khalifah is your job too. :)
Actually, being a khalifah is also an ibadah because you pull people around you nearer to Islam BECAUSE OF ALLAH. You dont need to become the sultan or PM to do khalifah's job. Just walk to school and invite your friends to solat jemaah. Or the least you could do is behave yourself as best as you could as a muslim. It will ATLEAST attract your friends to do the same too. ATLEAST theyre attracted nearer towards Islam.
See the cute picture there? That's is the analogy what khalifah should do. Islam itu adalah kurniaan Allah yang terbesar kepada kita. Bila sudah dapat kemanisan iman tu, mesti kita nak semua orang merasa apa yang kita rasa sebagai tanda BERSYUKUR atas nikmat Islam yang akan dijanjikan Syurga nanti insyaAllah.
The smiling faces represent khalifah and the sad faces is the people who drift away from Islam. So the khalifah have to pull them so that they can become happy too.
BUT something wrong in this picture. Hey! Ada orang tak buat kerja lah. Syok duduk happy sorang2 kat situ padahal ummat dalam cengkaman bahaya.
"Sesungguhnya Allah mencintai orang-orang yang berperang di jalanNya dalam barisan yang teratur, mereka seakan-akan seperti suatu bangunan yang tersusun kokoh"
[As-Saff 61:4]
Every single one of us is responsible to pull people nearer to Islam. If kita semua bergerak bersama-sama buat benda yang sama, InsyaAllah Islam akan tertegak kembali di bumi ini.
"...Sesungguhnya Alah tidak akan mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sebelum mereka mengubah keadaan DIRI mereka sendiri..."
[Ar-Ra'd 13:11]
InsyaAllah, kita akan diRAHMATi Allah.
Its not sunat, its not what i recommend, BE THE KHALIFAH AND IBADAH is what ALLAH TOLD us to do.
Say this, "I LOVE ALLAH! I LOVE RASUL! I LOVE ISLAM! AL-QURAN IS MUCH MORE TRUER THAN THE FACT THAT SUN WILL RISE TOMORROW! Because of that I will do, no matter what, what Allah told us to do. And I dont want to be the MUNAFIK who accept only certain parts of His command!"
Live your life as a true muslim. Jangan sesekali kita menerima sebahagian sahaja mengikut apa yang kita suka (mengikut hawa nafsu) dalam Quran.
This one is quite short actually, i dont want it to be sooo draggy and boring. If so, do tell me so that i can improve from time to time. You can always chat me by facebook regarding the post so far. i'd be happy to do so :)
So, semoga apa yang ana sampaikan dapat memberi gambaran yang lebih jelas kepada antum akan matlamat hidup yang lebih jelas dan suci.
Sekian Assalamualaikum :D