Tuesday, March 26, 2013

O.H!! (part 2), Hadis Logam

I wonder if Siss is right ==''

Memandangkan ana masih bercuti, boleh la buat post in short time.. kalau dh balik kolej nnti, sori sangat lh, maybe 1 post perweek. :'(

Anyway, to those who haven't read the previous part (Part 1), please do..  Just scroll down to the bottom, you'll found it, believe me. I dont want anyone to miss anything. not even a single word... nk korang hafal gak.. just kid ;)
Dari Abi Hurairah r.a, dari Rasulullah s.a.w berkata :
“Manusia seperti logam, terpilihnya mereka semasa jahiliyyah terpilih juga mereka semasa Islam, sekiranya mereka faham”

Haaaa! hadis ni lh yg saya nak kongsi.. I heard some people called it 'Hadis Logam'.. Based from the hadith, you must be wondering, Why Logam? Manusia seperti Logam? badan xde 6 pack pun logam jugak ke?

For those yang ada study science, you know basic characteristics of metal.. Basic characteristics seperti keras, kuat, boleh lentur, boleh digilap.. And this unique characteristics will never change forever. Setiap jenis logam pula ada kelebihan nya tersendiri.. Aluminium ringan and kuat, Emas cantik *0*, mcm2 lagi lah.. So, logam mmg ada kelebihan yg tidak akan berubah.

BUT, if mankind never discover these characteristic, will they know how to use it and when? Tanpa kefahaman, will they know how to make it super useful? NO! Daaa~

Kalau nak relate dengan kita, SETIAP manusia ada keistimewaannya sendiri(seperti logam), dan keistimewaan itu akan menjadi sangat berguna JIKA kita FAHAM. Daripada sebelum kita faham and selepas kita faham, keistimewaan itu tetap SAMA. It's already there but you dont see it YET

This hadith was actually for Umar Al-Khattab,
Umar, before he embraced Islam, he was the one who fought Islam and even planned to kill Rasulullah. He was the most feared person at that time. People would describe him as gangster because of his brutality. After he embraced Islam, he uses his 'metal' which is being the most feared person and being brutal to anyone who oppose him, to spread and protect Islam. SUBHANALLAH! He is still the same person with the same unique ability during jahiliyyah and during Islam. It doesn't change. That explains the hadith..

"... sekiranya mereka FAHAM"??? I'll tell you about it on the next post.. InsyaAllah.
Thank you for spending your time reading my humble blog. Anyway, I just changed the title of my blog if you realise. hehehe.. Anyway, I want to remind that:

*Kita ada KELEBIHAN tersendiri
*KELEBIHAN itu datangnya dari Allah
*KELEBIHAN itu juga adalah ujian dari Allah

So, In syaa Allah, dont feel bad about seeing people doing better than us in certain things because we have our own 'metal'! If you already found it, put it into good use and contribute to ISLAM :)


  1. first, impression:
    (Y) <3 :D

    second, question:
    cney ktk bca ttg hadith logam tok?? and what is ustaziyatul alam means actually??

    thrid, hope:
    new knowledge again for the the next post!^^ feel free to alarm me again next time

    forth, extra info:
    i already read all your posted post. .haha. .
    thank you!

  2. Hadis logam tok mek slalu dngar dalam usrah kat kolej.. plus mek baca ckit2 dr blog2 lain just want to make sure I post it right :)

    Ustaziyatul Alam means that, seluruh system di dunia tok pake cara Islam seperti zaman kegemilangan Islam dolok.

    Mek engkah 'train' kerana kegemilangan islam mmg akn tercapai agik pada akhir zaman sperti yang dh d padah dalam hadis2 rasul.. just tinggal sama ada kita mok join membina UA atau just tunggu UA ya tercapai :)
    In my later post, I'll explain more :) Thanks comment tau

  3. nice sharing
    visit my blog. Heh
